The game has changed.
Technology is revolutionizing theme park operations, making it possible to deliver enhanced guest experiences and measurable revenue gains while decreasing total cost of ownership.
Acadia can transform your park’s operations with an efficient, flexible and secure network that makes it easy to manage – centrally – all your day-to-day operations, and support changes as they happen.

Low-cost wireless kiosks and handheld devices can enable you to move employees where they’re needed most – the front gate at opening time, the food court at meal times, or anywhere the crowds are.
You can easily create high-def digital signage for advertising or entertaining fans while they’re queued up. And all of your messaging can be created centrally and distributed anywhere in your venue, in an instant.
Security is no laughing matter.
Create a more secure environment for your guests with best-in-class video surveillance and integrated communications for faster incident response and improved monitoring and crowd control. Again, your digital signage can be instantly repurposed to provide safety instructions in emergency situations.
More importantly, well get you to full PCI compliance in a cost-effective and efficient manner.

It’s easy being green.
The same network that makes your day-to-day operations trouble-free can also be used for energy and building management, to support your green initiatives.
Talk to us about how we’ve helped entertainment businesses like yours be on top of their game.